Thursday, November 12, 2009


What is it about an emotional experience that makes people stumble, baulk, bolt?
Is it because unlike physical pain, there is no emollient, no quick fix, no universal cure-all?
Is it because the only way to get over emotional pain is to go through it?
No, you’re wrong. Alcohol does not help. No, neither does drugs or sex or any of the things running through your mind right now. You have to go through it and that’s all there is to it.
And it scares people so much that they would rather lead a half life or claim to not feel anything than to actually go through the trauma of it all.
Or claim that they are too simple to be affected by these things. That’s sad and if it were true, well, that’s sadder still.
It is like looking at a puppy and not holding it in your arms or admiring a sunset with your eyes closed. Or the rain with your eyes open.
Life is about these moments. These intense, how ever long they last moments. How could you even want to go through life not knowing? Not knowing what might have been had you only been brave enough to say. Something.
Or had been the first to say what was on your mind, out in the open, but not acknowledged.
That kind of person, the wearer of the heart on the sleeve, won’t have an easy life. Hell, no. especially when compared to the run from this, I am too cool to feel anything, pretending people. And yes, sadly, the wearer of the heart on the sleeve will get hurt, more than once. But bewildered, will err again. And again.
But this person lives, a sharp clear life. Where every snowflake is felt. Where every blade of grass and every sharp edged paper, cuts. Where every stroke of the typewriter key, reverberates. Where every single movie is translated.
To get kicked down and then dust yourself off and rise.
To dive in, from the deep side, almost drown, surface and run for the cliffs again.
Now, that’s courage.
And I am all for it.


Gautam Sunder said...

I completely agree. Though the way most people I know're going, they would most clearly disagree with you when you say alcohol does not help.

Anonymous said...

Wow Srivi.. That resonated almost perfectly

Srividya Sivakumar said...

almost? but why.

Vee said...

I am living it most days, forced to almost live it some days (encounters with people of a different older mind-set). I think it's also called second-coming.

Unknown said...

thats exactly what I wanted to put up on my Blog but you beat me to it..just my thoughts in words..Well Written again madam!!

Anonymous said...

hmm.. as far as i think, and this is purely a personal opinion; it's not the pain that scares people away. It is the associated sense of disgust and pathos one starts feeling for self. Cause like it or not, it dents your self-respect a wee bit when you end up crying your heart out over something/someone that in all probability is entirely unaffected by your state.

I think it is this realization that pushes people to the point of pretension.

Srividya Sivakumar said...

this is in response to the last comment.
hmm.yes i agree with you on that. your self respect does take a beating. and yes, it takes a while to get back to a position of strength.
but the thing is,love isn't a two way street and perhaps, the expectation that the other even know of your existence, might be unfair. and unrealistic.
having said that, i also think, to care about someone has nothing to do with the other person. rather, it is a choice you make, toward someone else.