Monday, January 30, 2012


Above dependence. Above need. Above want. And wanting. And wanting to be wanted.
Waiting for the phone to ring, waiting for the text message ping, waiting for some acknowledgement that you're at the other end of the phone. And that you're missed. And needed, not just wanted. And not being ignored.
Stay calm.
Don't clamour for attention, for your opinions to be heard, for your questions to be answered, for conversation to ensue.
Hold on.
Listen to that song. You put it on your player so just let it be. Don't keep moving from one to the next. Let the song work its magic on you. Let it heal, or at least, let it help.
Be still.
Wait for him to find his way to you. Wait for love to unravel itself, its mysteries, its wonder. Don't push it. It doesn't work if you hurry. So just stay still.
Be hopeful. Life works in curious ways and one cannot argue with whimsy. You might hurt, but be hopeful nonetheless.
Love. With no half measures, with no holding back. You may have questions, but that's not a reason to do this half way.
Be. Just be. Optimistic, spontaneous, silly, stupid even, naive, amazing.
Be you. Be true.